I was feeling a little crafty and definitely was in the Disney mood so I decided to decorate a couple of envelopes to put Mouse-keeping's (housekeeping) tips in so they know it is for them and not just money we left sitting out for some reason. We have so much going on these next few days on TOP of getting ready for the trip so they aren't the "end all, be all" of cute envelopes, but I like them. :)
The first one I made was Mickey and his colors (red & yellow):

And the other one was Donald and his colors (blue & red):

I would have loved to print it right onto the envelope, but I was really in a hurry so just printed the images and cut and paste, so to speak. But we like them, hope the Mouse-keepers like them, and they are waiting in our travel folder to be used in just a few short days!
Aww! What a cute idea! I bet the mouse keepers will appreciate you making it obvious that it's for them. :-)